Questions You NEED to Ask Doulas & Midwives, and How to Vibe-Check During Interviews

birth pregnancy
Important Questions to Ask When Interviewing Birth Keepers, Doulas, Midwives, Birth Coaches & Consultants

Hey there, lovely mamas-and-papas-to-be!

Pregnancy is such an incredible journey filled with excitement, anticipation, and a fair share of uncertainties. As you navigate this beautiful path, having the right support team can make all the difference.

Here’s a comprehensive list of questions for mothers to ask holistic care providers for birth like doulas, midwives, childbirth educators, and birthing coaches and consultants. These questions are designed to help mothers make informed decisions about the care and support they will receive from birth keepers during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum.


Questions for Doulas

  1. What inspired you to become a doula?
  2. What are your personal beliefs about pregnancy, birth and postpartum?
  3. What is your training and certification background?
  4. If you aren't certified, why do you choose not to be certified?
  5. How many births have you attended and in what settings (home, nature, birthing center, hospital)?
  6. Can you provide references from previous clients?
  7. What services do you include in your package?
  8. How do you support the partner or other family members during labor?
  9. How involved or hands-off are you?
  10. What is your philosophy on pain management during labor?
  11. How do you handle unexpected complications or emergencies?
  12. Are you familiar with undisturbed birth?
  13. What happens as the baby comes out?
  14. What happens immediately after birth?
  15. Will you be available for prenatal and postpartum visits?
  16. How do you support women who plan to have a home birth vs. a free birth vs. a hospital birth?


Questions for Midwives

  1. What is your training, certification, and experience? 
  2. Who are you licensed under? And what does that mean for me?
  3. If you aren't certified or licensed, why do you choose not to be?
  4. How many births have you attended and in what settings (home, birthing center, hospital)?
  5. How many other births are you taking on within two months of my birth?
  6. Do you have other midwives who support you if you have a conflict? Can I meet them beforehand in case they are the ones present with me during my birth?
  7. What is your approach to prenatal care?
  8. How do you handle high-risk pregnancies or complications?
  9. What do you consider high risk?
  10. What is your philosophy on natural birth vs. medical interventions?
  11. What are your policies regarding labor inductions, episiotomies, and C-sections?
  12. How do you ensure the safety of both mother and baby during and immediately after birth?
  13. What does the golden hour time right after the baby is born usually look like under your care?
  14. What are your feelings and protocols surrounding pregnant women going to 40, 41, 42 and 43+ weeks of pregnancy?
  15. Can you provide details about your backup plan if a hospital transfer is needed?
  16. How will you help me advocate for my desired birth plan if we do transfer to the hospital?
  17. How do you support postpartum recovery and breastfeeding?
  18. What are your views on informed consent and patient autonomy?

Questions for Childbirth Educators

  1. What is your training and certification background? If you aren't certified, why do you choose that route?
  2. What are your fundamental beliefs about pregnancy, birth and postpartum?
  3. What topics do you cover in your childbirth education classes?
  4. How do you incorporate different birthing philosophies into your classes?
  5. Do you offer specialized classes for certain types of birth (e.g., natural, VBAC, home or free birth)?
  6. How do you support parents in creating a birth plan?
  7. What is your approach to teaching about pain management techniques?
  8. How do you address the emotional and psychological aspects of childbirth?
  9. Do you provide resources for postpartum care and recovery?
  10. How do you support partners and other family members in the birth process?
  11. Can you provide references from previous students?
  12. Who are the ideal families to take your course or program?
  13. What can I do to get the most out of your program?


Questions for Birthing Coaches and Consultants

  1. What is your training and certification background? If you aren't certified, why did you choose that route? 
  2. How do you tailor your coaching to meet the individual needs of your clients?
  3. What is your philosophy on pregnancy, birth and labor support, and the postpartum time?
  4. Who are the typical families you serve?
  5. How do you support clients in managing fear and anxiety about childbirth?
  6. What techniques do you teach for pain management and relaxation during labor?
  7. How do you help families prepare for unexpected outcomes or interventions?
  8. What is your approach to postpartum support and recovery?
  9. How do you incorporate partner involvement in the birth process?
  10. Do you offer virtual or in-person support options, and how do they work?
  11. Can you provide references from previous clients?
  12. Why should I choose you over other options?

General Questions for All Providers

  1. How do you support and respect my birth plan and preferences?
  2. What is your availability like around my due date?
  3. How do you handle communication and emergencies outside of regular hours?
  4. What is your approach to continuity of care during pregnancy, birth, and postpartum?
  5. How do you stay updated with the latest research and best practices in maternity care?
  6. What is your philosophy on informed consent and patient autonomy?
  7. How do you support women in making informed choices about their care?
  8. How do you handle conflicts or disagreements about the care provided?
  9. What is your policy on the presence of other support persons (e.g., family, friends) during labor and delivery?
  10. How do you handle cultural or personal preferences and practices related to childbirth?

These questions should help you gather crucial information to make empowered and informed decisions about your care providers, and support you in finding someone who aligns with your values, needs, and preferences.


The Vibe Check: Choosing the Right Support for Your Pregnancy Journey

Whether it's a doula, midwife, birthkeeper, childbirth educator or someone else, the people you choose to accompany you during your sacred hour should resonate with you on a personal level. After all, these individuals will be with you during some of the most intimate and transformative moments of your life.

So, how do you ensure you’re hiring someone you trust and genuinely like? Let’s dive into the importance of a good vibe check during the interview process.


Why Liking Your Support Team Matters

First and foremost, let’s talk about why it’s so important to like the person you hire. Pregnancy, birth, and postpartum are incredibly personal experiences. The people you surround yourself with should make you feel comfortable, supported, and understood. When you like someone, you naturally feel more relaxed and open around them. And during birth - the whole point is to open!

This comfort can significantly impact your overall experience, helping to reduce stress and promote a positive environment for you and your baby.


The Vibe Check: What to Look For

  1. Connection and Comfort: From the moment you start the conversation, pay attention to how you feel. Do you feel at ease? Is the conversation flowing naturally? Trust your gut—if you feel a genuine connection, that's a great sign!

  2. Communication Style: Effective communication is key. Notice how the person listens to you and responds to your questions. Are they attentive and empathetic? Do they take the time to understand your needs and preferences? Clear and compassionate communication is essential for a strong support team.

  3. Shared Values and Beliefs: It's important that your support team respects your birth plan and shares your values. Discuss your birth philosophy and see how they react. Are they supportive and aligned with your vision? Having someone who respects your choices will empower you to have the birth experience you desire.

  4. Experience and Expertise: While experience is important, it's not just about the number of years they've been practicing. Ask about their specific experiences and how they've supported other mothers in similar situations. Their confidence and competence should be reassuring.

  5. Positive Energy: Pay attention to their overall energy. Do they exude positivity and calm? The energy they bring can influence your own emotions and the atmosphere during your birth. You want someone who can bring a sense of peace and encouragement.


Questions to Ask During the Interview

To really get a sense of whether you vibe with someone, here are some questions you can ask:

  • What inspired you to become a [doula/midwife/birthkeeper/etc.]?

    • Understanding their motivation can give you insight into their passion and dedication.
  • Can you share a memorable experience you've had with a client?

    • This helps you gauge their experience and how they handle different situations.
  • How do you handle unexpected challenges during birth?

    • Their response can tell you a lot about their problem-solving skills and calm under pressure.
  • What is your approach to [specific aspect of your birth plan]?

    • Whether it's natural birth, pain management, or postpartum care, make sure their approach aligns with your preferences.
  • How do you ensure continuous support throughout the pregnancy and birth?

    • Continuous support (sometimes referred to as 'continuity of care') is crucial, so understanding their availability and commitment is important.


Trusting Your Intuition

Ultimately, trust your intuition. If something feels off, don’t hesitate to continue your search. The right person will not only meet your criteria but will also feel right in your heart.

Finding the perfect support team might take some time, but it's so worth it. Surrounding yourself with people you genuinely like and trust can transform your pregnancy and birth experience into one filled with joy, peace, and empowerment. So, take your time, ask the right questions, and trust your vibes. You deserve the best support on this incredible journey.


Final Thoughts

No matter the outcome, a supportive birth team can make or break your experience. There are many more questions to ask, but this is intended to be a starting point for you. If you intend to birth within a more medical context, such as at a hospital or birthing center, I recommend you check out my other blog post with the most important questions to ask medical care providers for pregnancy and birth like OB GYNs, doctors, and labor and delivery teams.

These questions should help you smoke out the harmful or risky providers who will not respect your autonomy and right to choose your own unique birthing preferences. And they'll also vibe check to make sure you actually enjoy being around your provider and will feel comfortable around them during your most vulnerable moments. 

I hope this blog helps you find a provider you love! And if you are interested in working with me, please schedule your free 30-minute connection call here to see if we are a good fit and check out my website for my most up-to-date available offers.

I have a limited number of private mentorship spots available for seasoned, expectant and hopeful-to-become mothers and families who would like one-on-one support throughout their journey of pre-conception, pregnancy, birth and postpartum. You can apply for a free 30-minute connection call here.


Get the Free Video Course: Discover the Truth About Your Due Date and Give Your Pregnancy the Best Start

It’s easy to fall into the trap of doing what everyone else unconsciously does during pregnancy. But is that really what’s best for you and your baby? 

Sign up for my [currently free!] course where I debunk fear propaganda and false narratives, providing you with real, research-backed information from a conscious, natural, mother-led perspective. Get your pregnancy started on the right, healthy footing!

In this FREE online video course, you'll discover:

  • Why mainstream due date calculations are flawed
  • The impact of an inaccurate due date on birth
  • Risks of hospital protocols and going past 42 weeks
  • Dangers of ultrasounds, inductions, and c-sections
  • How to accurately estimate your due date based on your unique cycle
  • Understanding power dynamics and where it's best to place your trust
  • The importance of connecting with your body and trusting natural birth
  • A mindset shift for experiencing pregnancy bliss

Feel empowered to make informed decisions and gain a new perspective for a peaceful pregnancy and birth experience. Join me now!


Thrive In Your Relationships - Join Our Free Workshop Series 

You can sign-up to join my FREE relationship connection and communication workshop 'Thrive In Your Relationships' here!

Did you know that strengthening your partnership improves both birth outcomes and feelings of connection and satisfaction in parenthood? And role modeling healthy relationships for your children has lifelong impact!

Join me every other week for a fun, interactive, safe space where you'll learn and practice simple tools to enhance the intimacy, connection & harmony in your life. Come on your own or as a couple. All are welcome!

Many blessings to you and your growing family. I pray you have an empowering, connecting and liberating birth.

Infinite Love and Gratitude,

~Forest Soleil

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